Interactive map
Rybnik city

3D apps

  • Client: Rybnik City
  • Technologies: GIS, Multitouch table, Unity 3D, WMS
  • Duration of project: 3 months
  • Number of devs: 4

Prepared for Rybnik city Council. Designed to be presented at the World’s Property Market in Cannes (MIPIM) and International Trade Fair for Property and Investment in Munich (Expo Real). This application also uses 3D engine to present the city and its investment areas for sale. Apart from presentations, the application consists of photos, movies, tools for terrain measurement and a “virtual walk” app. The last one is a mix of computer game and a professional presentation. Being controlled by a game pad or touch screen, the application allows to take a virtual walk around highly detailed investment areas

  • individually desgined / dual screen 2×42″ / multitouch table
  • virtual city map containing highly detailed terrain maps based on aerial photos
  • over 60.000 buildings based on LOD3 meshes imported from GIS database
  • smooth running mobile version for Android tablets
  • implemented WMS protcol for downloading and displaying additional content from external server (GIS data)
  • 3D real time walkthroughs on highly detailed visualised investment areas