Educational games for Tatra National Park

3D apps

  • Client: Tatra National Park, Bialowieza National Park
  • Range of work: 3D Graphics, Grafika 3D, graphic desing, touch table app, Kinect app
  • Technologies: game, KInect, Multitouch table, Unity 3D

Project implemented for the Tatra National Park, which consist of educational games, divided into seven groups: quizzes, hidden objects, matchmakers, puzzles, memo, touch table games and motion sensor. Some games have been designed as multiplayer, some require dexterity, others good memory, but most importantly, they all provide fun and education at the same time.
The games have been designed and are used to broaden knowledge about the region: animals living in the mountains and their sounds, moving in the mountain area, places in the Tatras, history of nature protection, dialect and highland tradition, plants growing in the mountains, vegetation floors, mountain rocks and arcade games like jumping like a chamois or playing on a touch table about marmots for TNP. Everything has been prepared in a consistent graphic style that fits in and draws on regional characteristics. In order to gain a unique experience, we used Kinect devices, multi-touch tables and the most modern software solutions.

Project summary:

23 unique games.

Delighting graphics drawing from the regional style.

The most modern technological solutions used to get a unique experience.